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Hello, my name is Brad, and I love cars. I have been obsessed with cars since my earliest childhood memories, and that passion manifests as strong as ever still today. Why did I choose to channel that obsession into detailing? Let me take you back to the beginning.

It was 2008, and I had just bought my very first car, a Honda del Sol. I was eager to work on it, but it had no mechanical issues. However, it was black, and the paint had seen better days. So, I collected all sorts of car care products from the local parts store and set about making that black paint shine. I was unsatisfied with the results from the various waxes and such, so I turned to the internet and found real professionals posting their work on forums in rigorous detail (pun intended). I would read their tutorials and product reviews into the wee hours of the night, and then try out what I learned on my car the next day. As I got better, my friends noticed and offered their cars for me to "practice" on, which I obliged.  Soon, I had a little side gig going, and I've been detailing ever since.

It doesn't take long to understand that there are some scratches and blemishes that a detailer can't remove or fix, and I saw painting as the ultimate way to achieve a perfect finish. I went to work for a restoration shop where I learned bodywork and paint, and I have repaired and painted everything from formula race cars to regular traffic to huge earth moving equipment and power sub stations. An extensive knowledge of different paint systems has greatly informed my detailing and further sets me and my work apart from most other detailers.

Today, I am a Christ follower, dedicated husband, proud father of 3, and still obsessed with working on my cars. I moved to sunny Florida from the scenic Pacific Northwest, hence the mountains in my logo, and I'm loving that we can enjoy car culture and events year round! That also means you are spoiled with choice when it comes to detailers to choose from. That being said, I haven't seen any other detailer that delivers the same studio level quality as a mobile service that I provide. I am dedicated to your satisfaction, and am confident in your expectations being met or exceeded. So, get in touch today, I look forward to working with you!

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